Dad, Don't Look!
aka Dad, Please Look The Other Way.
Observations in the Moment – Monday, March 6, 2006, 9:08 PM
Exhausted, but need to get the events from the past 3 days written. Michael, damn you for saying that I am determined and will get this thing out tonight. Damn. Also told the Ventura guys that I’d have it up by tonight. Damn. So many memories from the last 36 hours that I have swirling in my brain. Damn. Can’t start writing until I have the pics resized and a couple of them cropped. Damn. Sigh. On with the show…
And now, the weekend
I find myself snickering every so often when I recall a five-second blip, some memory from the time we spent in the desert. Chuckled when I saw Pete’s bike. Surprised that Austen had shaved. Didn’t see Jules until we’d been there a while as he was making a sale – CAN NOT interrupt that. Always thinking about how Terry and I made it through the desert, as inexperienced as we were riding 2-up in the sand and washes. Pete was looking “official” in his office, leaning back with hands clutched behind his head, an entourage of employees and partner/s stood around his desk. Ah, it’s good to be the king, right Terry?!? Austen was helping a customer, saw us and nodded, all knowing that we couldn’t interrupt. But when Pete spotted us, he came out with a grand greeting, hugs and handshakes all around and an introduction to Jack. He gave us the $100 tour through the shop. The building housed a very impressive stock of new and used bikes. Honestly didn’t realize that BMW made so many different motorcycles. The repair shop was immaculate with various bikes raised and ground level. Pete continued to help customers as Terry introduced Jack to the various bikes. Saw Jules, gave the high sign and watched as he sold the hell out of the inventory. Austen was next with the hugs and handshakes. He had shaved his goatee but was stilled easily recognized. We all took turns swapping stories, giving updates since the last time we’d spoke or emailed. Poor Jack was SO exhausted from many nights of interrupted sleep. His cough and fever, unbeknownst to us, were coming back with a new ferocity. It was going to be a late night. Pete and Austen came out to check out the fresh new/used ride. Thumbs up from all. Whew! I was eager to hear what they had to say. I think Terry was, too.
After about 1 ½ hours, Pete took off for home. He was really itchin’ to jet. Can’t blame him. Jack was wanting to go to the hotel to sit in the hot tub. “Okay, buddy. We’ll be out of here in a minute.” Remember your parents’ saying that to you as a kid? We exchanged more hugs and handshakes with promises to keep in touch and get together at some point in the near future. Terry and I truly believe that we will stay in contact. Too many more stories to swap and fucking funny memories to create. Terry and I want to roll up on Pete and Jules again explaining their story to Abe. Classic.
We got to the Harbor View Inn and headed to the hot tub. We knew Jack was pooped when he said he was ready to go to the room after only 15 minutes. Up we went. Terry took off to pick up a few things while Jack and I chilled. Poor Jack was now hopped up on Delsym and Motrin. Terry came back with pizza, beer (Thank you!) and supplies. To make this long story short, it WAS a long night. I slept with Jack, he had lots of wild dreams, coughing fits and finally puked after a particularly violent coughing spell. It was 4:30 AM. Yaaaaaaawwwwwnn…damn. Up we all were, getting ready to pack it up and head north. After some Sprite and more Motrin for the fever, Jack was ready to head home. Well, sorta. He was upset that we cancelled the room service breakfast. Sorry, bud, it’s Starbucks and a Cliff Bar.
Made it home in about 6 ½ hours. A couple of short reminders about the ride home: short cut in Paso Robles, adding oil to the truck, “Jack, PLEASE take a nap!”, watching the sky, the unhitched trailer, so close yet so far away.
I highly recommend a weekend road trip every couple of months. Yes, it’s a lot of work in a short period of time. Yes, things WILL go wrong! (Hey, our battery went dead when we went to take off from Wayne’s house with the bike. Losers! Thanks to Wayne’s neighbor with the quick boost. Rock on.) And yes, someone may end up puking. But when you look back and even when you’re in the moment, you’ll look around at the people around you and know that you’d rather be there with them than anyplace else. For me, Terry and Jack are my “people”. I also have an extended family of “people” that make for some truly awesome experiences, good and bad (Tom, Keith, Kris – this means you). Find out who your “people” are and make a promise to spend unscheduled time with them. Worth it.
Thanks, Wayne, for selling your bike. It’s a grand addition to our now very tight garage. Thanks to Pete, Austen and Jules for the visit and the memories. And always, the most special of thank you’s to Terry and Jack, my teammates and partners in crime. Golden.
P.S. Trying to upload pics, but having a tad bit of trouble. I'm hoping to fix the prob and get them out tonight. If not, check back tomorrow. Cheers!
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