More Motorcycle Adventures
And She’s Off! Oh, She’s Down. Wait, She’s Off Again!
Saturday, February 25, 2006
So it was about time that I put my money where my big fat mouth was and learned to ride a motorcycle. I really didn’t want to put it off any longer as I was itchin’ to give it a go. Hey, I’d been upstaged by a four year old! It was time. But little did I know I’d be a tad ‘butterflyish’ in the belly. And the perfect location? A place where I couldn’t hurt myself or, more importantly, any one else – The Mud Puddle. Yes, that infamous water ski lake was now going to be home to my very first trek on the bike. And did I mention that I was going to take my maiden voyage on Terry’s BMW 1150GS, all 600+ pounds of it?!? I was thinking ‘go big or go home’. Right Sterling? Time to go big…
Terry took off on his bike and Jack and I followed, Jack’s Honda 50 strapped down in the back of the Yukon and Hank huddled up in the corner of the backseat. The adventure was off to a grand start. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect, as if I’d ordered it special. We pulled in, unloaded the bike and all the gear, and couldn’t find any good reason to put off the inevitable any longer. I found myself sitting on the bike and attempting to upright it off the kickstand. Damn, it’s heavy! And I was SOOOOO careful not to push it right over on the other side. Too many scenarios running through my frazzled noggin. Terry asked, “Are you ready?” With a gulp and a sigh, I answered, “Let’s give it a go.” On went the jacket and helmet as my brain gave my stomach the go-ahead to start feelin’ queasy. Honestly, I didn’t think I’d be this nervous! I felt like such a wuss! Can’t puke inside the helmet (too hard to get the smell out). With another gulp, some deep breaths and an overview from Terry, I started it up, put in into gear and took off. “I’m doing it! I’m doing it” ran through my head as I tried to keep focus on all the friggin’ things I had to remember – don’t use the front brake, steady on the throttle, not too fast. Man, I was even making turns! And then I stalled it. Of course, I panicked and immediately squeezed the front brake. Bad idea. Over I went in slow motion, trying to stop the fall (Ya right!), and ended up right on my big ol’ butt. Couldn’t get mad. After all, Hank was right there making sure I was alright – good boy! Had to take a pic of that moment in hopes that it wouldn’t happen again. After a review of what I did wrong, I was off and riding again. Literally back in the saddle! I rode back toward Jack and Terry and just sat for a little while, soaking in the experience. Jack was at the ready with some helpful advice, even warning me about the front brake. Smart kid. But nothing could’ve been cooler than riding side-by-side with Jack, both of us standing on the pegs. He had just seen daddy do it so of course, he had to give it a try. And lord knows I couldn’t be upstaged by a four year old again!
I decided it was time to get out of first gear and try my hand (foot?) at shifting. Couldn’t leave the day stuck in first gear. I was completely in my own head – up with the left foot to shift, lay off the gas, down with the left foot to downshift. I ended up in third gear at one point (how did that happen?), but never panicked (phew). Round and round I went in my figure eight, shifting and remembering to use that back brake. Success.
After a few more rounds and another stall that landed me on my butt again, I decided to end on a high note and call it a day. I’d done my time and it was cool. Terry and Jack were proud. I was glad the initial ride was over. I did it and knew that this was fast going to become my newest venture. How fab would it be to take off on a weekend ride with your husband? I’m hoping to find out very soon. And how cool is it that this is something we can do as a family? The fire roads up at the property are beckoning. So many adventures – riding to Medicine Lake, the backside of Mt. Shasta, up through the forest. The list is endless and that’s a good thing.
So now what, you may ask? Let’s just say that I’m in the market for a BMW 650 GS. Hey wait, there’s one in Santa Barbara that’s lookin’ pretty good – Jesse bags, upgraded seat, engine guard…. Road trip!
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