Robert Randolph and The Family Band is the MOST talented, inspiring, up-on-your-feet-and-dancin' kind of group that's hit the music scene since Dave Matthews. Dude, would I lie to you?!? Formally, they've been around since the early 2000's, but all the band members have been playing since they were squirts. I'm not going to give you the full background info as you can do your homework and check them out at No, seriously! Go there now and come back to me when you're done. I'll still be here and it's worth the sidebar. Done? Good. And now, back to our regularly scheduled program...
We first heard Robert and his group (Robert, cousin Marcus on drums, cousin Danyel on bass, cousin RayRay on guitar, and not-cousin Jason on piano and violin) open for the Black Crowes in Marysville last summer. Terry and I were just sitting in our seats, waiting for the usual yawner opening band to come out, trying to figure out just what kind of instrument was taking center stage, when we were all of a sudden COMPLETELY blown out of the water. Struck by the intensity and passion behind each of the performers, all we could do was watch and try to take in all the that was happening. I mean, these guys really, REALLY LOVED what they were doing and they fucking ROCKED! We were fortunate enough to have tickets close to the stage so we could watch them just play the shit out of their instruments. See, Robert plays a steel pedal guitar. No wait, he doesn't just play it, it is an extension of him. In fact, all of them play as if their instruments were another appendage. It's awesome. It's an experience. It's soooooooo worthy of your time and effort to go see them live. Yet after they're much-too-short set, the Black Crowes came out and took the stage. Couldn't hold a candle to the opening gig. We left early.
So what does one do when one learns of a new fave band? You stalk them! Kidding. Seriously, you check them out, find out their tour schedule, and go see them as many times as humanly possible. And that's what we did and continue to do. The next stop on the tour was a gig with Dave Matthews at Raley Field in West Sacramento in September 2006. Really cool venue, outdoors, warm night. But the AARP seating nazi's wouldn't let you even attempt to bullshit your way closer to the stage. Oh, and we brought Jack to the concert (his first) and couldn't do too many illegal thangs. (Must set an example and no, kind sir, I don't have any papers on me.) We got there a little late and only saw the last couple of songs that Robert and the guys played. Bummer. We did get to stay for quite a large chunk of Dave's concert, but had to jet when the big guy got really, really tired. Fine. I'll be a good parent and take lil' dude home. He had a good time, we had a good time, but we knew we wanted to experience The Family Band again. And honestly, Jack couldn't help but chat it up about the concert all the way home. Priceless. Gotta love a kid who appreciates good music.
Next stop on the tour, at least for us? The Warfield, San Francisco, March 2007. No Jack this time. Sometimes you just gotta getta sitter. Anywho, we rode the bikes down to a cool hotel on the wharf and taxied to the show. Don't remember the name of the opening band, but the drummer gave me some sticks and a very large hug. I'm convinced my ghetto booty is a magnet for black dudes. Am I right, Robert? We were standing right in the front, to the side of Robert's instrument, and chomping at the fucking bit for the boys to take the stage. When they took the stage, the joint started jumpin'. They played, and danced, and sang, and invited the entire audience into their awesomely cool world. And we were all happy to oblige. We were movin' and shakin' our bodies to the groove. We sang the tunes we knew and swayed our heads in time to those we didn't. And when it was time for the ladies to take the stage, you KNOW I was there!!! You know how shy I am... ;-) For a song or two, the stage was FULL of women shaking their boobs, muffin-tops and asses and a plethora of dudes in the audience more than willing to hold up their camera phones for a quick pic. It was awesome. And of course, Keith, the drummer from the opening band, was on the sidelines waiting to escort me down the stairs and back out to the audience. Thanks, Keith, and DAMN!, you're a rather big dude. Back to the pack I went and became, once again, immersed in their presence. During their break, Jason took the stage and soloed on his piano. I don't know if their are enough adjectives to describe the talent of this man. His bio is quite extensive. Yes, more homework for you. Check him out at Yes, I'll wait for you. Moving on... After Jason's astounding performance, all the boys once again took the stage. We were blessed with more music and more good times. And when they were leaving the stage and saying their goodbye's, guess who walked up to ol' blondie and gave her his finger pics? YOU KNOW IT!!!!! Robert placed them in my hands, held onto my hands, bowed his head and walked off stage. (Robert, I know you don't remember, but I certainly will never forget.) Dude, the girls next to me were PISSED! Ha ha!! (Cartman voice) Wow. Terry and I have NEVER experienced such a rush of talent and energy. What do you mean the ride's over? We have to go home? Shit. That's it, dammit, we're going to every concert we can.
Along comes Reno, May 2007, Mother's Day Weekend. Happy Mother's Day to me! This time, the boys were touring with Ziggy Marley. Not a bad ticket if you ask me. Got to the hotel early and decided that yes, it was now time to put on our stalker caps and poke around the tour bus area. The worst they could do was say "Away with you", so why not give it a go? Around the back of the hotel we went, Jack on his Heely's, I with the camera and Terry with the watchful eye. And that eye came in handy as Terry spotted Jason Crosby (Cribs). I yelled for Jason who was more than happy to oblige to my picture taking request. A few quick shots and back to the room we headed. Seeing as the concert was general admission, we knew Jack would have to take one for the team and start tripping people as they tried to run for the stage upon the doors opening. You know, just bowl the kid right up to the front, no problem. What, is that bad?!? Nah, we waited with everyone else and still made our way to the front. Rock on. Found a spot next to a boobalicious chick (very nice, but her fake cantalopes were very distracting) and patiently waited. We did enjoy the Ziggy gig very much. Jack swayed, breathed in some natural herb (sorry, dad, but it was a Marley concert) and started to get tired. Our boys weren't coming on until about 10PM. Dude, Jack, hang on man! You've just gotta make it through at least half the set. Our boys took the stage and Jason spotted our family clan in the front. He gave a wave and we were tickled that he remembered our faces. Actually, I think it was the 5 year old that gave us away. Again, the boys did not disappoint. Another great opener, more enthusiasm, but wait...Jack, what do you mean you want to go back to the room? FUCK!!! Fine. Shit. We gave a wave goodbye and sulked all the way to the elevator. But you know what, Jack really did an excellent job. He held it together for as long as he could and we were proud. What more could you ask for? How about a solo return to the concert for a Mother's Day gift? You got it! I got a pass and RAN back down to the venue. I elbowed my way back up to the front of the stage (dammit, missed the ladies song!) and danced my way to the end of the set. Awesome. No gifts from the boys this time around, but hey, I scored pretty big last time. But was I ready to settle for just a fabulous concert? Hell no!!! Around to the tour buses I ventured, camera in hand, fresh coat of lip gloss, sweaty concert hair, and fingers crossed. I was the lone groupie, feeling slightly foolish, but knowing that if I didn't give it a go, I would regret it. And remember, life is about no regrets, right? So I waited patiently, trying to convince myself to hang another 5 minutes, when Marcus headed down the walk first. Hey, how are you? Awesome show. On the bus he went. Next in line was Danyel. And this time, I actually remembered to take a pic with him. Seems I was a little nervous when I saw Marcus the first round and forgot to capture the moment. Got the pic with Danyel and lingered some more. Then, out came the big dog. Robert came sauntering down the ramp. I cleared my throat, asked for a pic, AND GOT INVITED ONTO THE FRIGGIN' TOUR BUS!!!!!!!!!!! Can I just tell you that something like this NEVER happens to me?!? I RULE!!!!...if only for one night. We hung, we chatted, we drank Petron Silver, took pics and headed out to the casino. As we were walking to the casino, over came Jack rolling and Terry pissed. Oh shit!!! Terry, I TOTALLY forgot to check in. I'm very, very sorry, but I got caught up in the moment. My apologies. We all strolled into the casino together and proceeded to lose money. Jack and Terry had to jet as, well, you can't really gamble when you're 5 or with a 5 year old. Honey, I'll be up in a couple of hours. (Okay, I was back at 4:30AM. ) Dude, people bought us drinks, stopped to chat with Robert, it was cool. Very cool. And I got to witness a little slice of celebrity.
The next morning brought a raging hangover (ah, another "te-kill-ya" story) and a 2 hour drive home. We were exhausted. Time to hang out at home and swap some war stories about our weekend. Who knew we'd get to meet Robert and his band of merry men? You can't plan such an experience, you just have to be open to it. And did I fail to mention one of the most important tidbits of my and Robert's conversation? Well, as many of you know, I delight in cooking mass quantities of home-made food for all who are willing to clean up after me. Am I right, Tom? All who know me know that all are welcome into our home to anytime a meal is being served. So why not offer our boys a home-cooked feast while on the road? I mean, come on, how much home-cookin' do you get from a hotel? Even a caterer can be iffy. Robert and I swapped phone numbers with a promise to cook for the boys when they were in town (or even relatively close). Honestly, I don't think he believed me...but I had yet to prove him wrong.
Yes, there's more to this tale, but I must depart. My duties as loving wife and mother does a shower after my morning workout. But I do promise to continue this story in a few days as there is much, MUCH more to tell. In the mean time, do your homework. Learn it, memorize it. Clear your calendars for their next local tour date (Saturday, September 29th, San Francisco, Blues Festival, 4:30PM). Download their CD's. Buy their merchandise. Tell your friends. Just enjoy. Be well and one thing every day that scares you. I did, and look what happened...
RayRay hangs back while the ladies enjoy their dance on stage.