Part 4 1/2
Finally, Some Pictures...
NOTE: These are pics starting from our train ride to Barcelona from Madrid. Enjoy!
One of the "Lookouts" (guy in gray sweater and jeans) who pretended to be on the phone while he cased the train station. He was is on one of the theft rings. He thought he was good, but proved to not be good enough. Shithead. Sorry, dad.
Jack diggin' the ride on the bullet train. We hit about 100mph.
A Preferred Ticket = A Preferred Meal = Yumm! Fish, cured ham with melon, brie, fresh bread, wine, SCORE!
A reflection pic while going through a tunnel.
View from our balcony in Barcelona. Very cool locale and a very cool place. But the water was a tad stinky. Ick.
Looking the other direction to La Ramblas Street a.k.a. A compact version of the Vegas Strip but with more freaky street performers. Very loud, lots o' peeing between the trash bins at night. And, oh ya, the garbage truck comes EVERY FREAKING NIGHT, right outside the window. Not a prob as we were having trouble sleeping anyway. And Terry did see some drunk chick pee her pants while trying to walk down the sidewalk. Classic.
Ventured out to La Ramblas for some grub. Here's a pic looking up one way...
...and down the other way. People, food, beer, people, beer everywhere!!
While sitting and watching the show stroll by (while waiting for our dinner), Jack insisted on taking the next group photo. Not a bad job, eh?!?
Terry and I looking a smidge exhausted...just a smidge. Time for a big ass beer!
Our first authentic meal - paella. Yes, the prawns have eyes...totally tasty.
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